Wholesale Import/Export
Equestrian Products

Welcome at Equitrade
Equitrade is a worldwide wholesale and import- & export agency for equestrian products and is serving the industry since 1992 !

Online-Shop notice to trade partners: Please log in to order.

Online-Shop notice to consumers: If you want to purchase please contact any of our dealers. If you cannot find a dealer in your area contact us because in some countries/aereas without trade partners we can supply direct. For customers in Switzerland: after transmitting your order online you can select an Equitrade-dealer of your choice - over 70 of them are listed.

Omitted customs duties since 2024 and optimized shipping cost have now enabled us to reduce many sales prices considerably. Currently our prices are guaranteed until 30th of June 2024.

Serving the trade 31+ years since 1992 !

Notice doping-list 'under 'rules of racing': Since 1st of July 2023 the manufacturer Equine America recommends withdrawal 96 hours before the race for any of their procucts containing MSM (Methylsulfonylmethan) !

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